It’s not easy to bear the burden of having to move your elderly loved one into an assisted living facility. It’s especially more challenging when they are used to living on their own and is not too fond of the idea of moving to another facility

However, there may come a time when your loved one will need assistance in doing everyday activities and when this happens, you may need to start making all the necessary arrangements. But the question is: how will you know when it’s time to transfer your loved one to an assisted living facility?

Although the situation varies, there are surefire signs that you can identify whether your love done is better off in an assisted living facility or not. Having trouble with handling finances, personal care, household chores, or any slight, unusual change in their everyday habits may be a few obvious reasons.

Certain situations call for the need to make an alternative living arrangement for your loved one. When you start noticing these signs, they may need the type of care that can only be provided by assisted living facilities. Here are 9 signs to look out for:

  1. Accidents Become Frequent

Did you notice that your loved one experiences more falls frequently? Did he/she experience a medical scare? Accidents are likely to happen as your loved one ages. As a family member, you should be able to think of ways to prevent these situations from happening. With that said, opting to move your loved one to an assisted living facility may be the best choice to make. These facilities have staff that is equipped to assist and checks on them from time to time.

  1. Care Becomes More Demanding

Being a caregiver can be exhausting. When you notice that both you and your loved one are starting to become tired and frustrated with the care your loved one needs, it may be a sign that you should start seeking for help. Are the everyday needs of your loved one becoming more and more demanding? If so, it may be one of the reasons why the caregivers may feel worn down and the more you should consider moving your loved one to an assisted living facility.

  1. Basic Everyday Tasks Are Becoming More Challenging

Most seniors would prefer to stay independent and may overlook the challenge of taking care of themselves as they grow older. They tend to claim that they can still perform the basic everyday tasks such as taking a bath or dressing. However, this may not be true all the time. If you start detecting a mild body odor or notice the same set of clothes being worn for a few days straight, it might be another sign that they need to be transferred to an assisted living facility where their needs would be well taken care of.

  1. Financial Management is Affected

Overlooking bills and financial obligations arecommon among older people. If you find an unusual thank you letters from charities you don’t recognize or open a letter from a bank referring to late payments or overdrawn balances in your loved one’s mail, it may be an early indication of cognitive problem thereby increasing their need to be transferred to an assisted living facility.

  1. Changes in Diet

If you notice your loved one becoming thinner and thinner every time you see him/her, you might want to check their diet. This situation needs to be attended to immediately since it may lead to complications. Constantly taking out food that has gone bad in the fridge is an indication that your loved one may need to be moved to an assisted living facility.

  1. Housekeeping May Become Overlooked

It’s a known fact that keeping the house clean is one way of keeping the overall health of people in check. However, when the main person who keeps the home in order to grow older, cleaning may become difficult for them. Failing to keep up with the household chores may be an indication that your loved one may need the care provided by senior care facilities.

  1. Lesser Social Interactions

Think about the social connections your loved one has. As a person ages, their social circles tend to shrink and they become more prone social isolation which may be a result of some of their friends or significant others passing away or moving away to other places. However, this lack of companionship may be remedied if they move to an assisted living facility where they may be able to interact with other residents through recreational activities designed especially for them thereby allowing them to form a new social circle.

  1. Leaving Them Alone At Home May Not Be Safe Anymore

Stairs become one of the most hated enemies of people as they grow old. Aside from it being difficult to manage, stairs are also an avenue for deadly falls. Considering your loved one’s current living situation affects your decision on whether or not assisted living facility is best for them. Moreover, going outside alone may be dangerous for your elderly loved one especially if they have the tendency to wander.

  1. Early Signs of Cognitive Deterioration

The time may come when your elderly loved one’s memory may not be as sharp as before. When a person starts noticing cognitive deterioration among their loved one as an effect of aging, it may be time for them to seek assisted living facilities where their loved one’s needs may be tended to day and night.

Denial is Part of The Journey

Even when all the signs are evident, there will still be instances where the loved one and the family will be in denial of the fact that the move to an assisted living facility is necessary. This holds true for people whose loved ones are against the idea of assisted living.

As a matter of fact, denial is a very common case. The only problem in this situation is that: family members often don’t know how to face the problem and talk their loved one into moving. If you find yourself in this situation, you may consider hiring a geriatric manager who is highly trained help you walk through the process of convincing your loved one.You may be able to find one through National Association of Professional Geriatric Care Managers should you ever find yourself having trouble in looking for one.

Be Realistic

Evaluating the needs of your loved one is essential before deciding a senior care program that is fit for them since the type of services offered is different in each senior communities. Typically, assisted living facilities are designed to fill in the disparity between assistance and independence. The only people who are able to determine the level of care your loved one needs are the caregiver, you as a family member, and your loved one’s doctor.

Caring for your elderly loved one doesn’t necessarily have to be a difficult task. If you start noticing the telltale signs that your loved one may need to be assisted in his/her everyday routine, you may be able to contact assisted living facilities. This way, you would be able to put your mind to rest knowing that your loved one is well taken care of.